We provide a service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Our services are available from 6 hours to 24 hours per day and each service is a bespoke support package designed around each individuals needs.
Supported Living:
Cumbria Quality Care are committed to delivering high quality, person centred, Supported Living services that ensures that people are given every opportunity to maximise their independence, live within the community and have greater choice and control over their lives. Cumbria Quality Care provide individually tailored services and are specialists in delivering support to people who present with vulnerable, complex, and often challenging behaviours.
Supported living can range from 6 hours per day to 24 hours per day. We identify a small team to provide this to allow people to build close meaningful relationships with our support workers. Support workers will support people to live their life their chosen way and provide support at the level required to enable people to do this.
Support can include:
We provide overnight support in the form of either a sleeping night or waking night.
If our Supported Living Services sounds like they're suitable for your requirements, please do not hesitate get in touch with us.
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